ITS Volda 2019
Digitalization in education - future classroom and 21st century skills.
The ITS Volda conference will bring together teacher education students and staff from several European countries to discuss possibilities and challenges of digitalization in education.
Through lectures, participants will gain a deeper insight into the meaning of the concepts future classroom and 21. century skills. Central scholars in the field will discuss what we know about digital practices in everyday classrooms and challenge us to reflect critically on the digital development in school.
Workshops will give participants an arena for further learning, for sharing own knowledge and experiences, and for reflection on possibilities and challenges. Some workshop themes will be virtual reality, gamification and digital stories. During the conference, students will work in groups with representatives from the other participating institutions.
In addition to the academic programme, there will also be a variety of social events, mainly in the evening. The student house Rokken will be the centre for the social activities.
Students will receive a diploma documenting their participation in the conference.
Programme ITS Volda 2019
Wednesday April 10
09.00-09.30: Registration**
09.30-11.30: Tour of campus & Volda**
11.45-12.45: School visit at Øyra primary school **
13.00-14.00: Lunch and official opening ceremony *
14.00-14:45: Ann-Thérèse Arstorp - What compentencies do we need for the future, and what role does technology play?* Auditorium BK161
15:00-1530: «café meeting»**
1545:16-30: Petra Hendrikse & Marit Huzen- Chances and challenges for digitalization in education * Auditorium BK161
18.00-19:00: Dinner at Volda Tourist Hotel **
From 20:00 - Quiz and social programme at Rokken student house *
Thursday April 11
09.00-10.00: Caroline Cruaud - Playful learning * Auditorium BK161
10.15-11.00: Geir Ottestad - Digitalisation and innovation in education policies in the EU * Auditorium BK161
11.15-12.00: Workshops **
12.15-13.00: Synnøve Amdam - Digital literacy in Teacher Education Auditorium BK161
13.00-14.00: Lunch **
14.00-14.45: Ian Simmons- Coding * Auditorium BK161
15:00-16.00: Workshops **
18.00: Dinner at Rokken student house **
19.00-22.00: Teachmeet and social programme at Rokken student house **
* Open lectures
** For participants only (you can register at the registration site)
Friday April 12
09.00-10.00: Rune Krumsvik - Digital competence, digital bildung and self-regulation * Auditorium BK161
10.15-10.45: Siv M. Gamlem & Wenke Mork Rogne - DigiHand * Auditorium BK161
11.00-12.00: Summing up and sharing of results from workshops ** Auditorium BK161
12.00-13.00: Lunch **
* Open lectures
** For participants only (you can register at the registration site)
Key Note Speakers
Keynote speakers:
Geir Ottestad, Policy Officer at European Commission.Policy officer in the European Commission, DG Education and Culture. Initiating and coordinating external educational research supporting the DG's policy agenda. Former head of unit, advisor and researcher within the field of pedagogical use of ICT and systematic implementation of ICT at kindergartens, schools and teacher education institutions. Process leader for various development programs. Norwegian National Research Coordinator for IEA ICILS 2013.
Specialties: Policy adaptation of research results, policy recommendations and research coordination. Quantitative research, process development, policy analysis
Ann-Thérèse Arstorp works as a researcher (PhD) at the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training and as associate professor at Østfold University College. Ann-Therese authored the Framework for Professional Digital Competence and is involved in different national projects for the Norwegian Teacher Education, e.g. creating Future Classroom Labs.
Ian Simons – Senior Lecturer Computer Science at Stranmillis University College, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Ian is an author with Oxford University Press UK and a co-author with the multi-award winning Go Berserk resources. Former Head of Computing at a grammar school in Belfast. Ian founded MCW4U, a platform which encourages skill acquisition in computer coding. The Go Berserk resources are sponsored by International companies such as Allstate, Fujitsu, LibertyIT, CME Group, Capita, SQS and others. The BBC used Go Berserk as their chosen project for the ‘Year of Code’ in 2015. Ian has spoken at in Texas, USA 2015 and continues to lead on key Computer Science issues on Government, Education and Business agendas in the UK and Ireland.
Caroline Cruaud is an associate professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, in the unit for digitalization and education (eDU). With a background in foreign language learning and teaching, Caroline Cruaud is researching playful learning and the use of digital tools in education. In her Ph.D. thesis on the topic of gamification of education, she developed a framework based on play theories and the concept of frame, to design and analyse play situations in a classroom context. Her research interests cover among other topics playfulness, foreign language learning and the process of designing tools for learning.
Petra: teacher / researcher at KPZ in the area of STEM-education. Her PhD was on the topic of using a simulation environment in mathematics education (university of Twente). Her current interest is on the discourse in mathematics lessons.
Marit Huzen is a pre-service teacher in her final year at KP Zwolle in Holland. She has been studying the topic of implementing digital tools and mobile devices in schools and digital literacy. The interest of the thesis enhancing motivation for learning mathematics through using a robot.
Dr.philos Rune Johan Krumsvik is Professor of Education, Head of Western Norway Graduate School of Research (WNGER II) and Head of the research group Digital Learning Communities (DLC) at University of Bergen. Krumsvik is also Professor II at Volda University College, Honorary Research Fellow at University of Bristol and former Head of the Department of Education, University of Bergen (2010-2017). One of his main research interests is digital competence in school and higher education.
Wenke M. Rogne is an Associate Professor of Norwegian Didactics in Teacher Education at Volda University College. Rogne worked as a school teacher in secondary school and in Norwegian for foreign students before she entered teacher education in 2007. Rogne has been a lecturer and researcher within Norwegian didactics and educational research, emphasizing on literacy learning; reading comprehension and deeper learning. She has held courses and authored and co-authored scientific articles, book-chapters and books on these topics.
Siv M. Gamlem is a Professor of Pedagogy in Teacher Education at Volda University College. Gamlem worked as a school teacher in elementary- and secondary school for several years before she entered teacher education in 2005. Since then she has been a lecturer, mentor and researcher within educational research and school development projects.
Gamlem has authored and co-authored several scientific articles, book-chapters and a number of books on the topic of educational assessment and student learning.
Synnøve Hedemann Amdam, Project manager of DigiGLU – Digital literacy in Teacher Education,, at Volda University College. The project involves both students and staff in teacher education and local schools in developing professional digital literacy. Lecturer and PhD-researcher in Media and Digital literacy, 21st century skills, teacher professionalism and media studies. In her PhD-project Amdam explore teacher practices and teacher understandings of roles, practices and educational goals in technology-rich classrooms.
Partners of ITS Volda 2019
The ITS Volda conference is a project in cooperation with Katholieke Pabo Zwolle university and their Teacher in Europe Conference held annually in May.
The following universities and colleges are also institutional partners of the ITS Volda Conference. Students/staff/faculty/guests from these institutions are given priority for conference registration:
- Absalon University College, Denmark
- UCC - University College Copenhagen, Denmark
- Åbo Akademi University, Finland
- Linnaeus University, Sweden
- Stranmillis University College, United Kingdom
Students and staff not associated with any of these institutions, may still register for the ITS Volda conference. Contact us if you have questions.