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Timothy Andrew Saunders

Institutt for språk og litteratur


I teach the literature, culture and societies of the English-speaking world both on campus and online

Main research interests

  • the reception of classical antiquity in English and European literature
  • the relationship between literature and the natural environment
  • literary analysis (includes developing digital resources for the study of literature and culture: e.g. LiCOR (The Literary Criticism Online Resource) and BETR (The Bank of English Teaching Resources))
  • aesthetics
  • writing and written culture

Teaching (2024-2025)

Autumn 2023

  • ENG142 Literature, culture and society after 1900 (campus)
  • ENG142N Literature, culture and society after 1900 (online)
  • SKR301 Skriftkulturar (Written cultures)
  • SKR302 Vitenskapsteori og metode (Research theories and methods)

Spring 2024

On research leave

Teaching qualifications

  • HPE204 Digital didaktikk i min fag og mine emner (Digital didactics in my discipline and my courses): 5 credits
  • HPE206 Rettleiing av mastergradsstudentar: 5 credits
  • HPE207 Pedagogisk basiskompetanse (General pedagogical training): 10 credits

Peer-Reviewed Publications


T. Saunders (2008) Bucolic Ecology: Virgil’s Eclogues and the Environmental Literary Tradition. Duckworth [now Bloomsbury Academic]

Edited volumes

T. Saunders (ed.) (2017) Peripheral Figures: British and Irish Receptions of Nordic Literature and Culture. Special issue of Scandinavica (56.1)

T. Saunders, C. Martindale, R. Pite and M. Skoie (eds.) (2012) Romans and Romantics. Oxford University Press

Articles and book chapters

T. Saunders (2021) "Aesthetic Understanding and Written Culture," in T. A. Haugen, S. A. Myklebost, S. J. Helset, & E. Brunstad (eds.), Språk, tekst og medvit, 119-146. Cappelen Damm Akademisk

T. Saunders (2020) "Close Reading and Critical Immersion," in J. Habegger-Conti and L. Johannessen (eds.) Aesthetic Apprehensions: Silences and Absences in False Familiarities, 143-160. Lexington Books

T. Saunders (2017) “Peripheries of Space, Self and Literary Style in R. S. Thomas’s Readings of Søren Kierkegaard,” Scandinavica 56.1: 59-93

M. Rosello and T. Saunders (2017) “Ecology,” in J. Schimanski and S. Wolfe (eds.) Border Aesthetics: Concepts and Intersections, 25-49. Berghahn Books

T. Saunders (2016) “Metaphor and Disorientation,” Culture, Theory and Critique, 57.1: 92-105

T. Saunders (2014) “Coasting Classical Antiquity: Percy Shelley in the Bay of Naples,” in A. Horatschek, Y. Rosenberg and D. Schabler (eds.) Navigating Cultural Spaces: Maritime Places, 303-316. Rodopi

T. Saunders (2012) “Originality,” in T. Saunders, C. Martindale, R. Pite and M. Skoie (eds.) Romans and Romantics, 65-86. Oxford University Press

T. Saunders (2012) “Classical Antiquity in Brian Friel’s Translations,” Nordic Irish Studies Special Issue 11: 139-158

T. Kudrjavtseva and T. Saunders (2010) “V krovotoke evropejskoj literatury: eklogi Brodskogo” [“In the Bloodstream of European Literature: Brodsky’s eclogues”], in P. Pesonen, G. Obatnin and T. Huttenen (eds.), Evropa v Rossii: sbornik statej [Europe in Russia: Collected Articles], 410-416. Izdatel’stvo NLO

T. Saunders (2010) “Roman Borders and Contemporary Cultural Criticism,” Journal of Borderlands Studies 25.1: 51-65

T. Saunders (2006) “Using Green Words, or Abusing Bucolic Ground,” in M. Skoie and S. Velazquez (eds) Pastoral and the Humanities: Arcadia Re-Inscribed, 3-13. Bristol Phoenix Press [Now Liverpool University Press]

T. Saunders (2006) “Discipline and Receive, or Making an Example out of Marsyas,” in C. Martindale and R. Thomas (eds.) Classics and the Uses of Reception, 32-43. Blackwell

T. Kudrjavtseva and T. Saunders (2006) “Finding Space for a Winter Eclogue: Joseph Brodsky and Eclogue 4,” Russian Literature 59: 97-111

T. Saunders (2005) “Ovid the Christian,” Nordlit 18: 153-163 [reprinted in M. Lee (ed.) (2012) Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature, Volume 135: 197-201. Gale Cengage Learning]

Encylopedia Entries and Short Notes

T. Saunders (2013) “Bucolic Ecology,” in R. Thomas and J. Ziolkowski (eds.) The Virgil Encyclopedia. Wiley-Blackwell

Book Reviews

T. Pollard (2017) Greek Tragic Women on Shakespearean Stages, Oxford University Press, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.06.28

H. Stead (2016) A Cockney Catullus: The Reception of Catullus in Romantic Britain, 1795-1821, Oxford University Press, in Translation and Literature, 2017, vol. 26.3: 345-351

N. Vance and J. Wallace (eds.) (2015) The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature. Volume 4: 1790-1880, Oxford University Press, in Keats-Shelley Journal 2016, vol. 65: 155-157

G. Davis (2012) Parthenope: The Interplay of Ideas in Vergilian Bucolic, (Mnemosyne Supplements 346), Brill, in The Classical Review, 2014, vol. 64: 123-125

F. Jones (2011) Virgil’s Garden: The Nature of Bucolic Space, Bristol Classical Press, in The Journal of Roman Studies, 2013, vol. 103: 323-324

K. Volk (ed.) (2009) Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Virgil’s Eclogues, Oxford University Press, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.03.40

R. D. Griffith and R. B. Marks (2008) A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Agora: Ancient Greek and Roman Humour, Legacy Books Press, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.06.36.

Vitskapeleg arbeid



Romans and romantics [ISBN 978-0-19-958854-1] 464s.
Publisert 2012 av Timothy Saunders, Charles Martindale, Ralph Pite, Mathilde Skoie
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Bucolic Ecology: Virgil’s Eclogues and the Environmental Literary Tradition [ISBN 9780715636176] 184s.
Publisert 2008 av Timothy Saunders
Publisher: Duckworth

Vitskaplege artiklar og bokkapittel

Aesthetic Understanding and Written Culture
Publisert 2021 av Timothy Saunders

Close Reading and Critical Immersion
Publisert 2021 av Timothy Saunders

Peripheries of Space, Self and Literary Style in R. S. Thomas's Readings of Søren Kierkegaard
Publisert 2017 av Timothy Saunders

Publisert 2017 av Mireille Rosello, Timothy Saunders

Metaphor and Disorientation
Publisert 2016 av Timothy Saunders

Coasting Classical Antiquity: Percy Shelley in the Bay of Naples
Publisert 2014 av Timothy Saunders

Ovid the Christian (reprint of 2005 article)
Publisert 2012 av Timothy Saunders

Publisert 2012 av Timothy Saunders

Classical Antiquity in Brian Friel's Translations
Publisert 2012 av Timothy Saunders

Roman Borders and Contemporary Cultural Criticism
Publisert 2010 av Timothy Saunders

V krovotoke evropejskoj literatury: eklogi Btodskogo
Publisert 2010 av Tatjana Kudrjavtseva, Timothy Saunders

K. Volk (ed), Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Vergil’s Eclogues. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. Pp. 293. ISBN 9780199202935
Publisert 2009 av Timothy Saunders

R. Drew Griffith and Robert B. Marks, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Agora: Ancient Greek and Roman Humour. Kingston: Legacy Books Press, 2007. Pp. 234. ISBN 978-0-9784652-0-9. USD 32.95
Publisert 2008 av Timothy Saunders

‘Things Better Left Unsaid’
Publisert 2007 av Timothy Saunders

Finding Space for a Winter Eclogue: Joseph Brodsky and Eclogue 4
Publisert 2006 av Tatjana Kudrjavtseva, Timothy Saunders

Using Green Words; or, Abusing Bucolic Ground
Publisert 2006 av Timothy Saunders

Discipline and Receive; or, Making the Most out of Marsyas
Publisert 2006 av Timothy Saunders

Ovid the Christian
Publisert 2005 av Timothy Saunders


Critical Aesthetic Thinking and Populism, Polarisation and Precariousness
Publisert 2024 av Timothy Saunders

Introduction to Aesthetic Thinking
Publisert 2023 av Timothy Saunders

Literary Inaugurations of Capitol Justice: Amanda Gorman's "The Hill We Climb" and The United States Constitution
Publisert 2022 av Timothy Saunders

The Tempest and The Aeneid
Publisert 2021 av Timothy Saunders

Silent Texts and Absent Readers
Publisert 2019 av Timothy Saunders

Arcadia Updated: A Humanities Perspective
Publisert 2019 av Timothy Saunders

Prospero's Classical Spectacles
Publisert 2018 av Timothy Saunders

Review of Tanya Pollard (2017) Greek Tragic Women on Shakespearean Stages, Oxford University Press
Publisert 2018 av Timothy Saunders

Human|Nature in the Virgilian Mediterranean: Virgil’s Aeneid, Augustine’s Confessions and Shakespeare’s The Tempest
Publisert 2018 av Timothy Saunders

Review of "A Cockney Catullus: The Reception of Catullus in Romantic Britain, 1795-1821" by Henry Stead
Publisert 2017 av Timothy Saunders

Literary Criticism Online Resource (LiCOR)
Publisert 2017 av Svenn-Arve Myklebost, Timothy Saunders

Peripheral Figures: British and Irish Receptions of Nordic Literature and Culture (Special issue of the journal Scandinavica, 56.1)
Publisert 2017 av Timothy Saunders

Publisert 2017 av Timothy Saunders

Figuring Out Forgiveness: Border Aesthetics and The Tempest
Publisert 2017 av Timothy Saunders

Review of N. Vance and J. Wallace (eds.) (2015) The Oxford History of Classical Reception in English Literature, Volume 4: 1790-1880. Oxford University Press
Publisert 2016 av Timothy Saunders

LiCOR: The Making of a Digital Teaching Resource
Publisert 2016 av Svenn-Arve Myklebost, Timothy Saunders

The Poetic Line and Human Identity
Publisert 2016 av Timothy Saunders

On the Edges of Absence: Borders and Liminal Spaces in R. S. Thomas's Religious and Nationalist Poetry
Publisert 2014 av Timothy Saunders

Communicating Absence: R. S. Thomas's Poetry from the Llŷn Peninsula
Publisert 2014 av Timothy Saunders

Review of G. Davis (2012) Parthenope: the Interplay of Ideas in Vergilian Bucolic. Leiden and Boston: Brill
Publisert 2014 av Timothy Saunders

Bucolic Ecology
Publisert 2013 av Timothy Saunders

Literature and History: Nordic Angles seminar
Publisert 2013 av Timothy Saunders, Giuliano D'Amico

Review of F. Jones (2011) Virgil’s Garden: The Nature of Bucolic Space. Bloomsbury
Publisert 2013 av Timothy Saunders

Saying "That’s Wales" in English: R. S. Thomas’s poem "Abercuawg"
Publisert 2013 av Timothy Saunders

Kierkegaard and Wales: Literature and History in R. S. Thomas's poems "Reservoirs" and "A Grave Unvisited"
Publisert 2013 av Timothy Saunders

Ecologies of Borders / Borders of Ecologies
Publisert 2012 av Timothy Saunders, Mireille Rosello

Publisert 2012 av Timothy Saunders, Charles Martindale, Ralph Pite, Mathilde Skoie

Metaphor and Disorientation
Publisert 2012 av Timothy Saunders

Metaphor and Translation
Publisert 2012 av Timothy Saunders

Aesthetics Across Borders: Modern Receptions of Hellenistic Culture
Publisert 2011 av Timothy Saunders

Border Aesthetics in Alexandria in the Third Century BC
Publisert 2011 av Timothy Saunders

Greek and Latin in Brian Friel’s Translations
Publisert 2010 av Timothy Saunders

EcoClassics (shortened version of paper published online by the UK Higher Education Academy)
Publisert 2010 av Timothy Saunders

Percy Shelley, Antiquity and the Edges of the Ocean
Publisert 2010 av Timothy Saunders

Publisert 2010 av Timothy Saunders

Percy Shelley, Antiquity, and the Edges of the Ocean
Publisert 2010 av Timothy Saunders

Økosystemet Vergil
Publisert 2009 av Timothy Saunders

Publisert 2009 av Timothy Saunders

That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore: Virgil, Wordsworth and Pastoral Humour
Publisert 2008 av Timothy Saunders

Wordsworth, Virgil and the Humours of a Place
Publisert 2008 av Timothy Saunders

Roman Borders and Contemporary Cultural Criticism
Publisert 2008 av Timothy Saunders

Plain Sailing in the Eclogues and Georgics
Publisert 2008 av Timothy Saunders

Borders in the Classical and Post-Classical Tradition
Publisert 2008 av Timothy Saunders

Brodsky’s Three Eclogues
Publisert 2007 av Tatjana Kudrjavtseva, Timothy Saunders

‘That Joke Isn’t Funny Anymore: Wordsworth and Ancient Pastoral’
Publisert 2007 av Timothy Saunders

‘The Eclogues and the Environment’
Publisert 2007 av Timothy Saunders

‘Wordsworth and Virgil’s Eclogues’
Publisert 2007 av Timothy Saunders

A Kind of Solstice of the Luminary: Brodsky’s "Eclogues"
Publisert 2006 av Tatjana Kudrjavtseva, Timothy Saunders